Taelim Venture Product
Taelim has established an Incubation Center to foster innovative and proactive responses in line with the rapidly changing global industrial landscape.
The Incubation Center serves as a new platform for the mutual growth of businesses and talent, providing potential individuals with opportunities to grow as leaders in
startups and new projects. Through this initiative, Taelim actively supports the spin-off of top talent, while simultaneously exploring opportunities for expansion into new
industries. Designated as an in-house venture fostering company by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 2019, Taelim's Incubation Center is leading an innovative
corporate culture where businesses and talent grow together, creating future growth engines.
growth but also fostering talent and creating opportunities for mutual success in new industries. We are
committed to repaying this vision through our continuous innovation and dedication.
1Preliminary In-House Venture Team
Selection EvaluationRecruitment and Selection of Preliminary In-House Venture Teams through Competitions.
2Final Evaluation of
In-House Venture TeamsFinal Evaluation and Selection of In-House Venture Teams.
3Evaluation of In-House Venture
Team's Independence FeasibilityEvaluation of In-House Venture Team's Spin-off Potential and Decision on Internal Adoption of Items.
4STEP1 Seed
Acquisition of relevant knowledge through foundational entrepreneurship training, including business plan preparation, presentation readiness, and idea refinement.
5STEP2 Sprout
Acquisition of relevant knowledge through foundational entrepreneurship training, including business plan preparation, presentation readiness, and idea refinement.
6STEP3 Fruit
Continuous monitoring and investment support for market expansion and growth of spin-off companies.
By collaborating with customers and partners, Taelim possesses the ability to design and develop products that create
new markets, starting from the idea planning stage.
Furthermore, the company excels in mass production and supply of market-competitive products.